Ahoy matey! New treasures await in Maroon v1.1View the Loot

Features That Shine Like Gold

Discover the treasures that make Maroon unique

First Mate

Your trusty companion who's gonna help you sail through Maroon


Change the syntax to your liking, ye scurvy programmer.

dialect Caribbean:
    "shout" be "bark"
    "expedition" be "voyage"
    "treasure" be "variable"
    "sail_with" be "sails with"
end dialect

# Define the function
expedition greet(txt):      
    shout txt      
end expedition

Function voyages

Define functions as voyages, making your code adventures clear and organized.

voyage squared(n):
 result be n times n 
 return result

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# Declare your treasure
treasure be 42

# Set sail on a new voyage
voyage greet(name):
    bark "Ahoy," name
    bark "Welcome aboard!"
end voyage

# Start the adventure
greet sails with "Captain"