Discover the treasures that make Maroon unique
Your trusty companion who's gonna help you sail through Maroon
Change the syntax to your liking, ye scurvy programmer.
dialect Caribbean:
"shout" be "bark"
"expedition" be "voyage"
"treasure" be "variable"
"sail_with" be "sails with"
end dialect
# Define the function
expedition greet(txt):
shout txt
end expedition
Define functions as voyages, making your code adventures clear and organized.
voyage squared(n):
result be n times n
return result
Experience the power of Maroon with our interactive playground
# Declare your treasure
treasure be 42
# Set sail on a new voyage
voyage greet(name):
bark "Ahoy," name
bark "Welcome aboard!"
end voyage
# Start the adventure
greet sails with "Captain"